EC link forms
To add a new EC link form, navigate to the “EC link forms” section from the sidebar menu and click on “Create”.
Basic settings
EC link form name: internal reference, it won’t be seen by the customers
Store: the store this link will be attached to
Note: this field will only appear if you have multiple stores
Amount: the transaction amount
Leave blank if you only want to register the customer’s card details
If you select preregistered products, the products information will appear during checkout.
Advanced settings
Click on “Advanced settings” to show/hide the options
Save card details: to save the customer’s card details or not
Subscription: to make a subscription
- Subscription period: how often the customer will be charged
- Initial amount (optional): if you want the customer to be charge a special amount on the day they submits the payment form
- Automatic charge amount: amount that will be charged every period
- Start date (optional): if empty, the subscription period will start when the customer submits the payment form. You can specify a different date here.
Authorization: if OFF, transaction will be processed straight away
if ON, transaction will be put on hold and processed on the Capture date or by manual action
Capture date (optional): date when authorization transaction can be captured and finalized
Expiration date (optional): date on which the link will be made inactive
Metadata (optional): information to attach to the transaction