


ID: This is an ID issued by the system to identify you as a merchant. Please share it when you contact us.
Name: This is the name of the merchant as registered in the system.
Time zone: This is the time zone shown in the payment email.


Notify merchant on transaction: After a transaction, an email will be sent to your registered email address.
Notify customer on transaction: After a transaction, an email will be sent to the customer email address.
Preferred language: You can choose in which language to send the transaction summary emails.
Email: This is the login email address to access the console.


You can set here the icon image to be displayed on the checkout widget.
We recommend using a square image but you adjust the image after having selected it.

Payment services

Global settings


Percent fee (%): Contract fee rate.
Recurring type: Shows whether recurring tokens can be used and under which limits.
Flat fee: Processing fee per payment.


Charge attempts to fail: If a subscription payment fails, you can choose how many times you want the system to retry until it succeeds.
Status after failure: If a subscription payment fails, you can choose if the subscription should be cancelled or suspended.
If multiple charge attempts have been allowed, the subscription will be updated to this specified status after all the attempts have failed.
Installments: Shows whether subscriptions with installments can be used.

Payment methods

Card payments

Credit card payments: You can choose whether to accept credit card payments.
Prepaid card: You can choose whether to accept payments with prepaid cards.
Debit card: You can choose whether to accept payments with debit cards.
Foreign cards: You can choose whether to accept payments with foreign cards.
Card brands: You can choose which brands to accept payments from.
Allowed countries: You can choose which countries to accept payments from (based on the user’s IP address).
Fail on new email: You can prevent transactions from email addresses that have never been used.

QR code

Scan customer QR code: You can choose whether to support over-the-counter QR code payment.


Online payments: You can choose whether to support online payments (Alipay / PayPay).
Please note you can’t set up which online payment methods to accept in this s