EC link form: dynamic set-up
First, go to the Store you want to create a payment form for. From the Store menu click on “EC checkouts” and “EC form settings”. Click on “URL code” to access the URL generator.
First, please set up the settings you want the payment form to have.
For example, set the amount to 500. This parameter will be automatically added to the URL.
Then, you can use the generated URL as is but you can also edit the parameters dynamically by replacing the values according to the situation.
For example, if you enter “500” in the amount field, in the URL this will appear like this:
When you call the URL from your website, if you replace this 500 by another amount, the form will be shown with the new amount.
When using the generated URL, please use a method that prevents users from obtaining or amending the URL (such as redirecting the user to a different URL) to avoid anyone tempering with the amount.